
Chapter 144 Viva La Revolution

Two hours later.

At the stroke of midnight, everything came to a sudden halt. As the new day dawned, the restless citizens, who had been in a state of chaos, found themselves compelled to pause as every news channel began airing the same broadcast.

While this captured the attention of those who had their televisions on, the remaining citizens were intrigued by the simultaneous message they received. 

As they unlocked their phones, they were greeted with a headline reading "Presidential Announcement" along with a link to the broadcast.

As a result, the entire nation fell into a temporary hush, as curiosity enveloped everyone regarding what Adolf was about to reveal. Would he issue threats, compelling them to return home, or would he offer concessions and pledge to alter the country\'s policies? The anticipation hung in the air, leaving the populace on edge, awaiting the impending announcement.

Adolf took his place at the podium, adorned with his presidential insignia, in a room bathed in a backdrop of vibrant blue. Amidst the static ambiance, he stood as the sole figure that stood out, embodying a stark contrast against the stillness of his surroundings.

"Mhh..." Adolf cleared his throat before he began speaking, "Dear citizens, I address you today with a heavy heart, burdened by the realization that the moment has arrived for me to let go of my hold on our beloved nation, Eden." As he uttered these words, he momentarily paused, needing to wipe away the tears that had cascaded down his face.

"With profound sorrow, I announce the relinquishment of my authority over the governance of our nation. The time has come for me to pass on this responsibility to a new leadership," Adolf somberly conveyed. 

"Eden, our cherished land, has been a sanctuary of prosperity and harmony under my guidance. I have endeavored to lead our nation toward progress and shield our people from external perils. 

Regrettably, recent events have unfolded in a manner that has eroded my authority, and continuing under such circumstances would only inflict further damage and suffering.

Faced with these challenges, I have engaged in dialogues with Alexander and his group—individuals who have displayed a profound commitment to the well-being of our nation.

They possess a deep understanding of the complexities of governance and the requisite expertise to lead us forward. 

Thus, after thoughtful deliberation, I have concluded that their leadership is in the best interest of Eden and its people.

The specifics of the transition and the course of action going forward will rest in the hands of Alexander and those he chooses to assist him in the process of reforming our country. 

Following my address, Alexander will address you, providing an overview of his plans after assuming the reins of government.

Thank you, and may God bless Eden and its people," Adolf concluded, gesturing a farewell to an absent crowd before exiting the camera\'s view.


"Is he saying what I think he\'s saying?" One of the protesters, momentarily ceasing the act of breaking windows at the government office, questioned in disbelief as he watched the press conference.

"I believe he meant that he is dissolving the government or something of the sort, as he is entrusting the overhaul to Alexander, the only revolutionary leader who has managed to evade arrest," one of them responded, trying to interpret the implications of Adolf\'s announcement.

"But why would he do that? Unless he has lost his sanity, he is not someone who would make such a decision,"

"Are you oblivious or simply ignorant?" exclaimed another protester, frustrated by the lack of understanding. "I\'m almost certain a coup has occurred, and Adolf was coerced into making that announcement. Let\'s hear what Alexander has to say." They watched intently as Alexander ascended the podium, eager to gain some clarity and insight into the unfolding events, realizing their limited access to information as low-level members had left them in the dark about the true nature of the situation.


"Citizens of Eden," Alexander commenced his speech, intentionally conveying an expression of fatigue, reflecting the weight of recent events that had unfolded prior to the press conference.

"Today signifies the beginning of a new era in the annals of our nation. As my predecessor, Adolf, stated, I now assume the mantle of responsibility for our nation, a task I accept with the utmost honor," Alexander declared, pausing briefly to let the weight of his words sink in. "And as the newly appointed leader, my first imperative is to rejuvenate our ailing nation, to commence afresh. Therefore, I hereby declare the abolition of the current constitution of Eden."

"But let it be clear: the abolishment of the previous government does not imply that the atrocities committed in the past will be forgotten," he declared vehemently, pounding the podium with his hands for emphasis. 

"Beginning with the former leader of Eden, Adolf, everyone who held positions within the previous government will undergo thorough investigation and face appropriate punishment in accordance with the provisions of the new constitution." His voice resonated with a mix of weariness and unwavering determination, revealing his unwavering commitment to holding accountable those responsible for the actions of the previous regime.

"Tomorrow morning, I will release the remaining revolutionary leaders who have been unjustly detained," Alexander announced, his tone conveying a sense of urgency and resolve. "I will engage in extensive consultations with them to ensure that the new government is structured in a manner that makes it impossible for situations like those that occurred during Adolf and his family\'s reign to ever transpire again."

Alexander then proceeded with his speech, outlining a series of promises and commitments regarding the changes he intended to implement within the country. With each word, he sought to inspire hope and confidence in the hearts of the people. 

As Alexander\'s address neared its conclusion, he punctuated his speech by proclaiming, "Long live the revolution!" With that final statement, he bid farewell to the viewers of the press conference leaving the audience bewildered.

Even though many individuals could deduce that a coup had indeed taken place, given the hints scattered throughout the speech and the concluding words that solidified their assumptions, they still struggled to grasp the intricacies behind its execution. 

To ensure a successful coup of Eden, it was widely understood that capturing Adolf, dismantling his private forces which constituted a significant source of his authority, and compelling him to make the announcement of his relinquishment was vital to avoid potential foreign sanctions from friendly nations would be imperative.

Simultaneously, the coup plotters would need to confront the challenge posed by the military, which had been enforcing a curfew in the capital after the chaos that ensued due to the unexpected gunfire.

Despite the complexities surrounding the coup and the confusion it caused, a prevailing sentiment of joy and relief permeated among most of the citizens.

The removal of the dictator had rekindled hope in their hearts, and faith was restored after the dissolution of the previous government.

Based on the people\'s reaction, Nova foresaw a discernible surge in the population to take place around nine months later.


After concluding the press conference and returning to one of the palace rooms, Alexander respectfully bowed to Aron, expressing his heartfelt gratitude with a sincere "Thank you very much."

"This is the fifteenth time you\'ve thanked me today," Aron said, feeling a sense of embarrassment as Alexander persisted in expressing his gratitude despite his attempts to stop him. "As I mentioned earlier, I am also benefiting from this deal, so there is no need for you to feel such overwhelming thankfulness towards me."

I understand that, but I still feel the need to thank you," Alexander said, emphasizing his gratitude. "Even though I had been hoping for changes in our country since my teens and joined the revolutionary group to bring about that change, I\'m convinced that nothing substantial would have occurred without your investments and the assistance you provided us." 

"Alright, I accept your gratitude. Now, please take a seat. " Aron said, gesturing for Alexander to sit down so they could continue their conversation.

As Alexander took his seat, he wasted no time and asked, "Apart from the abolition of military institutions, do you have any suggestions for the clauses in the Constitution?" He was eager to hear Aron\'s opinion and see if he could accommodate any additional ideas.

Aron, deep in thought with his hand resting on his chin, took a brief moment before responding, "I do have some suggestions that can help you avoid potential pitfalls that may arise and cause problems for you in the future."

"Please, go ahead," Alexander said respectfully, urging Aron to share his suggestions.

"There are too many to discuss, and it would take a considerable amount of time. Put this on, and everything will be explained to you," Aron said, handing the VR headset to Alexander.

Curiosity piqued, Alexander decided to trust Aron\'s judgment and put on the peculiar-looking helmet. He resolved to ask questions later if he didn\'t understand the purpose behind wearing it.

After putting on the headgear, Alexander settled onto the sofa. Meanwhile, Aron left the room, finding several soldiers standing guard outside the office.

After he instructed the soldiers to ensure that nobody entered the room except for himself. 

He embarked on a leisurely walk through the palace, fully aware that despite the time acceleration of five to one, it would take Nova a considerable amount of time to thoroughly explain everything to Alexander.

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