
Chapter 1504

Yuanen Zhentian\'s expression darkened slightly as he continued, "That night, the cries of alarm and the darkness elemental fluctuations alerted me from my slumber, and when I rushed to Tiandang, his entire body was already covered in blood. He was being chased by a demonic being, and I quickly stopped it in its tracks. However, just as I was about to kill it, Tiandang stopped me and begged me not to put an end to its life. After being knocked unconscious by me, the demon slowly reverted back to its human form, and it was revealed to be Ye Hui."

Yuanen Zhentian hadn\'t gone into much detail here, but one could certainly imagine his astonishment at the time.

"Only then was I made aware that Ye Hui was an Evil Soul Master with a Fallen Angel martial soul. The Fallen Angel was evil by nature, and had ties to a distant demonic plane. On top of that, they were very emotionally unstable, and upon losing control of their emotions, they would transform into a demon or summon demons into this plane. Tiandang implored me to spare her, telling me that he was truly in love with Ye Hui, and that even though she possessed an evil martial soul, she had never truly harmed anyone.

"At the time, I truly believed him. After all, Tiandang was my most beloved son, but in reality, how was it possible that Ye Hui had never harmed anyone? Tiandang\'s injuries had been dealt by none other than her! I\'ve always regretted not killing Ye Hui right away on that night. Perhaps if I had done so then, it would\'ve been easier for Tiandang to accept, and everything that happened next wouldn\'t have taken place."

Yuanen Yehui was about to flare up with rage again upon hearing this, but Tang Wulin held her in place.

Yuanen Zhentian continued, "I\'m sure you can imagine what happened next. Despite my vehement objections, Tiandang refused to listen to reason. He was emotionally quite vulnerable, but also very stubborn. In the end, my efforts proved to be fruitless, and Ye Hui managed to keep herself in check. Three years later, Tiandang became a Titled Douluo at 24, and during those three years, Ye Hui didn\'t relapse. Thus, I allowed them to be together. After reaching the Titled Douluo level, Tiandang told me he wanted to marry Ye Hui.

"After careful consideration, I decided that I could only agree to this as at the time, Ye Hui was already pregnant with you. If it weren\'t for that, I would\'ve definitely objected to their marriage. An uneventful period of time passed after that, and Tiandang continued to work hard in his cultivation, progressing very quickly. As opposed to the path of becoming an immovable pillar as I had chosen, he had chosen a path of guardianship to protect his family, his wife, his daughter, and everyone that he loved."

Tears began to well up in Yuanen Yehui\'s eyes at this point in the story. Even though her memories of her father were very limited, she could remember just how loving and benevolent he had been.

Yuanen Zhentian continued, "Your father became a Hyper Douluo at 30 years of age, and he was the first one in our family\'s history to reach that level at such a young age. At the time, the entire family was confident that he would be able to surpass me in the future, and that he would become our family\'s first quasigod level leader. Following the incident, Ye Hui very rarely appeared in public, acting as a full-time stay-at-home mother, and the three of you had formed a very loving and happy family. 

"That was until the day that disaster struck. Memories of that disaster remain clear to this very day. Do you know why your uncles are so hostile toward you? Do you know why we sent you to Shrek Academy? The death of your mother and the fate that befell your father were both consequences of that disaster."

"Disaster?" Yuanen Yehui was rather perplexed as she had no recollection of this so-called disaster.

Yuanen Zhentian replied, "That\'s right, it was a disaster brought on by your mother. As I had said, your mother was a powerful Soul Master as well. Back when she had lost control and transformed into her Fallen Angel form, she had displayed sufficient power to dominate your father, and at the time, she was a Soul Douluo. Even though she hadn\'t intentionally cultivated since the incident, her powers continued to progress on their own. Thus, she gradually progressed to the Titled Douluo level, and that was when disaster had struck."

"According to Ye Hui herself, even she had no idea what had happened at the time. As soon as she became a Titled Douluo, she was struck by an uncontrollable urge to walk outside to somewhere far away from the family, and then, her ninth soul skill took shape on its own. Her ninth soul skill was a gate that led to the demonic plane. This gate connected the demonic plane to our Douluo Continent, and one terrifying demon after another rushed out of the gate, while Ye Hui had completely lost control of her senses.

"What was even more terrifying was the gate was constantly expanding, and as it did so, the demons that emerged from it became more and more fearsome. By the time we discovered what had happened, there were demons everywhere. Your second aunt-in-law, who had just returned from her travels at the time, was attacked by those demons, and she was completely overwhelmed. By the time we got to her, your second uncle arrived on the scene just in time to see her chest being impaled by a demon.

"Do you know what your second uncle used to be like? He had a very timid personality, and he would always greet everyone with a benevolent smile. His aptitude was inferior to your father\'s, but he was loved by everyone in the family. Even though his marriage with your aunt-in-law was an arranged one, they shared a very close relationship, and his personality had completely changed after witnessing her death."

Yuanen Yehui was slightly slack-jawed as memories of her childhood surfaced in her mind. Indeed, she faintly recalled that following the death of her mother, she had never seen her second aunt-in-law again, and it was also directly prior to her mother\'s passing that her second uncle suddenly became a changed man. 

Yuanen Zhentian continued, "Our entire family was mobilized to combat the demons, and I managed to track down the demon\'s gate, but there were far too many of them; even though we were doing everything in our power, we still couldn\'t repress the growth of the gate. As such, we were forced to call for reinforcements from Shrek Academy. The Atlas Douluo had arrived as quickly as he could with a whole host of powerful beings from Shrek Academy, and only then were we able to force the demonic army back into the demon\'s gate."

He turned to Tang Wulin, and asked, "The spear you just used was the Atlas Douluo\'s Divine Atlas Spear, right?"

Tang Wulin nodded in response. 

Yuanen Zhentian said, "If I hadn\'t guessed that you were from Shrek Academy, I wouldn\'t be allowing you to hear all of this. If I\'m not mistaken, you\'re the leader of Shrek’s Seven Monsters, Tang Wulin, rather than Yu Longyue, right?"

Tang Wulin nodded again in confirmation.

Yuanen Zhentian sighed, "On that day, we forced the demons back into retreat and destroyed the demon\'s gate with the help of the Atlas Douluo, and at that point, Ye Hui had already fallen unconscious and reverted back to her human form. Only after conversing with the Atlas Douluo did I come to understand just how fearsome the Fallen Angel martial soul was. To put it simply, the Fallen Angel martial soul is a seed that the demonic plane somehow managed to project into our plane, unbeknownst to our planar ruler.

"This seed will develop in one\'s body, and once they become a Titled Douluo, they would uncontrollably open the demon\'s gate to release the demonic plane into our plane. This was no longer just a family matter; it was an issue that concerned the safety of the entire human race. I was also in disbelief when I first heard this, and I confirmed this with the Atlas Douluo over and over again, hoping to get a different answer, but to no avail. Your father was completely unable to accept this answer, and he tried to escape with your mother as I was speaking to the Atlas Douluo.

"In the end, I was the one who stopped your parents. I couldn\'t let them leave, not just for our family, but also for the sake of the entire human race. You may think I\'m just exaggerating, but if you had witnessed just how fearsome that army of demons had been, you would understand why I did what I did. If the Atlas Douluo had arrived any later than he did and allowed more fearsome demons into our plan, then that would\'ve been a true calamity. Even so, 37 members of our family still perished during that battle."

Tang Wulin had participated in the battle against the abyss, so he was well aware of just how horrific clashes between planes could be, and he listened with a heavy heart.

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